Sunday, July 4, 2010

Maintained or Preserved (Saved)

Ahhh...5th grade love letters. Do you remember? This anonymous note came to me from the recipient. He wanted to know how to prevent such embarrassment, but I couldn't think of anything.
"The girls just love you." I told him.
"Yeah, I guess." he answered, resigning to the inevitable.
"Do you want this back?"
So I took a picture of it and put the original in the recycle bin. Later, I smudged out the identifying bits. And I saved it to my online album.


  1. Please retrieve that and mail it to me.
    I just want to be loved!

  2. Gah, I want to know who stiffened the spines of today's young girls, because I WOULDA NEVAH. It's taken DECADES for me to get all bold like that.
