Friday, October 23, 2009

De-Cluttering The Classroom

Among the things inherited from a retiring colleague were three (!) file cabinets jammed with teaching materials. I managed to weed through two of them before the kids returned, but this last one has stood by the lockers since then. It was filled mainly with colorful, 2 pocket folders. A copy of a (mostly useless to me) worksheet was glued to the front of each (and there were literally hundreds) folder, but the folders were mainly empty.

I tore the worksheet off the cover of each folder, kept 25 for my class, offered some to students, and put the rest in the teacher's room on the give away table.

Now that I have finally gone through all old guy's stuff, the room feels officially mine. Just in time to move again!

1 comment:

  1. I don't suppose you'd consider paying me a visit in order to help me de-clutter my house? You're good...
