Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm Goin' Ta Boston!

The kid is feeling uncomfortable about traveling to Boston. And I'm feeling uncomfortable about leaving him for a whole week'm going for a day trip tomorrow.

Yes. Leaving at 5 am, driving for 6 hours, hanging out, eating Indian food, shopping at the Indian grocery (and whole foods, and Trader Joe's - I'm such a hick), attending the daughter's concert, flash visiting a friend, and breathing the good, Boston air. I love Boston. Then driving 6 hours home.

I should be home by midnight.


  1. Lucky you! I used to live in Cambridge and just LOVE Boston!

  2. I hope you've had a fun day! Boston is one place I think I'd like to visit some day...

  3. (Late with my comment.)
    Hope you had a great time and arrived home safely.
    Also hope you're conquering that fear - I miss the the "old" normal, too.
