Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

had unusual weather. Usually the snow is knee deep, and there is sledding after dinner. But with temperatures in the 60's, frisbee was more appropriate. It was a gathering of friends, young (9 months) and old (83). The Thanksgiving fire burned for the second year in a row; it is now destined to become a tradition.

The food was a collaborative effort. My contributions included a turkey, bread, and a pumpkin cheesecake.

Last year, my life was falling apart. This year, things are looking up. I am indescribably thankful.


  1. What a difference a year can make.
    Glad your Thanksgiving celebration was such a wonderful one.

    (I’m loving this weather…)

  2. So happy that this is a very different Thanksgiving for you.

  3. Thanksgiving fire? Sounds totally fun!

    So glad things are going well for you!
